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Saturday, March 8, 2008

7 Deadly Sins - Dating Advice for men and women

There are some classic mistake that women make when dealing with men. Some hurt you, some hurt him, some hurt the relationship. They happen so often, and with such great frequency, that you would think it was a secret. Well I’m here to burst that bubble and help you steer clear of these seven deadly sins. 1. Never sleep with your Ex Sleeping with your ex (boyfriend, husband, lover, etc.) is always a big mistake. Remember, there’s a reason why the two of you broke up in the first place. Engaging in such a raw passionate act with your ex will without a doubt stir up old feelings. The familiar comforts of his powerful arms, musky smell, and warm body will have you feeling like love all over again. But, is it really love? No! Sadly it’s merely lust, and comfort, and convenience. You’ll delude yourself into thinking things will work out this time. Surprisingly, you only remember the good times, and all the failings of the relationship elude your grasp. So avoid this mistake at all costs. It will only end in heart break, anger, and confusion, etc. 2. Faking An Orgasm Women of all ages fake orgasms. One of the most popular reasons given is to spare a man’s feelings. But is this honestly the reason why women are faking orgasm? In my humble opinion I believe this is a selfish and not a selfless act. You know how awkward it will be to turn to your man and tell him he’s not pleasing you sexually. Many men if you talk to them in a positive attitude will want to make sure you are satisfied. It’s really all in how you approach it. Also, it only hurts a man more to discover later that you’ve faked orgasms for a long period of time. Faking an orgasm actually trains the body into thinking it will not achieve orgasm at the end of a sexual encounter. In time this makes it increasingly difficult to reach the Big-O. So do yourself, and your man a favor. Speak up! Approach him with a loving and caring voice, and tell him what you like. Focus on the positive things, instead of telling him what he’s doing wrong. 3. Ditching Your Girlfriends For A New Beau How many of you are guilty of this, or have a friend who is? It’s a very bad habit. It’s not healthy for your relationship with your man and your friends. It’s good to have hobbies, interests, friends and time away from your man. Yes, it may be difficult, especially early in the relationship. But it’s for the best. Your friends miss you, and if you keep ditching them for men, they will soon cut you off. Yes, your friends will be there to support you when things are bad, but if you avoid them during the good times they will easily become angry. No one wants to get always get the short end of the stick. Besides, the time apart from your man is healthy. It lets you focus on other things, gives you a recharge, and gives you something to talk about when you see him again. 4. "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!” If Interrogation is your middle name you may have a problem. There’s a time and place for questions. On the first date, the last thing anyone wants is to feel like it’s an interview. You’re supposed to be having fun! If you start talking about long committed relationship and making plans together after one week, it’s too soon. If you start talking about marriage, kids, and where you want to raise your family after only a few months, it’s too soon. There’s so much to learn about your man if you only listen and show interest in what he likes and talks about. So slow down on the questions. Listen, relax, and have fun! 5. “We” instead of “me” Men enjoy their freedom. There’s a reason why men are cautious and careful about jumping into a relationship. He wants a woman who is going to respect his needs and his freedom. It’s healthy and highly recommended to let a man have some space, or a night out with the boys. Using “we” is something that takes time. Sure it’s fun to make plans to spend time together. But have you considered his interest, and his plans? Making plans for you and your new boyfriend to go to a wedding, big mistake. Telling him about your friend’s wedding, and asking if he’d like to be your date, much better. But again, be weary of bringing up weddings too early in the relationship. You have to feel a man out, and listen to who he is. If you rush making plans for each other, he will feel trapped and want to leave. But if you do it gradually and over time, it will show you are interested in him and enjoy being with him. 6. Loosing Your Identity He loves the band “Muse”, the Packers, and muscle cars. So you begin neglecting your own hobbies and interests in order to dive into his. This is a big mistake too many women are guilty of. It’s great that you want to share in your man’s interests, but not at the cost of your own identity. Your interests have help create who you are as a woman. You should never give up who you are for a man. If you truly wish to share in his interests, don’t force it. In time, the longer you are together, the more you will learn. Let things come naturally. 7. Unrealistic Expectations No one can live up to a high list of expectations. Why is it the best advice to give a man is to have no expectations and simple enjoy having a good time with a woman? But, the same advice doesn’t appear to apply to women’s expectations on men. Often you may find yourself missing out on a great opportunity. No one is perfect. If your expectations are too high then you may end up single forever. If they are too low, you’ll find yourself with horrible men who don’t appreciate you. Expectations can be so powerful that some men may not approach you, assuming that you have high expectations for a man you date. Spend some time investigating who you really are as a person and a woman. What do you absolutely need, and what do you want. Remember, we can’t truly know, understand, and appreciate others, until we know ourselves.

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