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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Things To Never Ask Your Girlfriend - dating advices and dating tips

In school, we were taught that there is no such thing as a stupid question. That might hold true
Woman slapping man - Credit:
when figuring out the intricacies of algebra or history, but in a relationship, there are many, many stupid questions that can make your life miserable if asked. They may seem like innocuous, innocent queries to you, but in the complex mind of a female, these questions get twisted and analyzed until they are interpreted as mean-spirited missives slathered in deeper meaning and innuendo.

You could fill your relationship with awkward silence and avoid asking any questions at all, but this invites a whole slew of other problems. Instead, we’ve assembled a list of the 10 most notoriously unacceptable questions to ask your significant other. Consider it a guide through a potentially deadly minefield, where the peril isn’t to life or limb, but to your happiness and sex life. Tread lightly.
Number 10
What's for dinner?
This question was acceptable at one point in time -- a time when it was also “acceptable” to grab your secretary’s tush and call her “toots.” These days, it’s become a presumptuous, politically incorrect query that paints you as a backward, misogynistic jerk.

Of course, you’re going to have to ask this question from time to time. But throwing on an apron and having dinner waiting for her when she gets home from work once in a while gives you the political capital to ask without fear of reprisal.
Number 9
Can I borrow some money?
The very foundation of every male/female relationship is based on the man providing for the woman and making her feel secure. It once consisted of us bringing mammoth steaks back to the cave, but now it means providing a measure of financial security.

Asking her to lend you money completely shatters her faith in you to provide this basic function. She will question your money sense, your fiscal responsibility, heck, even your manhood. Ask a buddy, take out a loan, get another job -- do anything but hit your girl up for cash.
Number 8
How many guys have you slept with?
We all fantasize that our girls are pristine virgins untouched by other slimy male dogs. But we also know this probably isn’t the case. It’s natural to wonder just how many guys have had the pleasure of defiling your beautiful delicate flower, but unless you want to open a Costco-sized can of worms, you are going to have to just keep wondering.

What's wrong with asking this question? First of all, it is none of your business; and secondly, you might not be happy with what you hear. Her answer could have far-reaching implications, tainting her in your eyes and really throwing a wrench into your future. As they say, curiosity killed the libido.
Number 7
Are you wearing that?
Girls agonize over their outfits, taking great care in choosing every layer and accessory. So if she comes out of the bedroom for a night out and you pop off with this gem of a question, you are just inviting the mother of all battles.

Odds are that she would probably love to just throw on a pair of jeans and her least wrinkled shirt, but females are held to a higher fashion standard than we are. On top of that, most guys are certainly not in a position to give fashion advice to anyone. If her clothes are really heinous, you can suggest switching plans to stay home for a quiet night in. Otherwise, bite your tongue, tell her she looks beautiful and plan secretly to ruin the offending outfit the next time you do laundry.
Number 6
Don't you ever just want to start over somewhere new?
Occasionally, everyone gets caught in a Groundhog Day-esque rut and fantasizes about pulling up their roots and leaving it all behind. But vocalizing these dreams can leave her feeling hurt and very replaceable. It’s a perfectly understandable reaction to the question; she probably feels quite happy where she is and wouldn’t dream of leaving you.

You are best to keep these escapist fantasies to yourself and focus on making your reality more tolerable. Take up a new hobby or book a vacation with your little honey bunny -- do whatever it takes. Because bringing up this taboo subject is going to do nothing to make your situation better. In fact, it will likely make it a whole lot worse.

Number 5
Do you want to have a threesome?
Unless your girlfriend is a nymphomaniac or porn star (and few guys are that lucky), directly asking her to partake in this long-standing male fantasy is very, very dangerous. Her immediate reaction is most probably going to be negative, with the sting of jealousy bringing out a defensive and emotional response. She’ll self-consciously wonder why she alone isn’t enough to satisfy you, and her tolerance to your innocently wandering eye will all but disappear.

We’ve already looked at ways to approach this risky but potentially very rewarding scenario, but, suffice it to say, straight out asking her for a threesome isn’t your best course of action.
Number 4
Why don't you join the gym?
Whether they are size-zero waifs or triple-chinned monsters, all girls complain about their bodies. Popular culture and the fashion industry have brainwashed them to believe that they are too fat and riddled with cellulite. But when your girl is complaining about how out of shape she is or how her clothes don’t fit, tell her how wrong she is and offer only words of encouragement. Anything outside of this is a prospective time bomb waiting to explode, especially this seemingly practical suggestion. Remember, though: Practicality has very little providence when it comes to matters like this.
Number 3
Did you c*m?
It’s pretty obvious when guys “finish up” during sex. Not so for most females. And with the popular consensus suggesting most girls end up faking their orgasms, there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding the feminine climax.

This does not give you permission to ask her if she had one after you are finished. It puts her on the spot and brings into question her sincerity. It also puts a lot of pressure on her and can make what is supposed to be the most relaxed, enjoyable thing you do together an unpleasant event dependent wholly on her ability to climax, or your ability to make her do it.

This is an important part of your relationship, so keep your lines of communication open. But be tactful and don’t come right out and ask.
Number 2
Are you PMS-ing?
It’s natural to try to rationalize your gal’s irrational behavior. But asking if this mythical monthly syndrome is causing it will succeed only in making her mood exponentially worse (even if it’s true).

If you’re right, she is at the mercy of her hormones and can’t be held responsible for her reaction to your question (which will invariably be bad). If something else is to blame, discrediting whatever it is that is making her upset by lumping it under PMS will only prove two things: You know your acronyms, and you‘re a heartless bastard. Look for the real reason for her mood, and if you fail to find it, just keep your mouth shut and weather the storm.
Number 1
Why do you have to be such a bitch?
It is amazing what can come out of your mouth in the heat of a fight. There are only a few things you can say to get you in real trouble, and asking her this rather pointed question is one of them. The answer you are expecting (that it is hardwired into her gender’s biology) isn’t coming. What will come instead is an all-new level of anger from your girl and an indeterminate extension of your fight.

When you are fighting, keep a level head and watch what you say. Emotions can run high, but you still must be responsible for your actions. Choose your words wisely and defuse the situation.
bite your tongue
There is something to be said for the strong, silent type. Some think his brooding demeanor makes him mysterious and sensual, but in reality, he is just keeping his mouth shut to avoid some of the potholes we’ve covered here. Avoiding a lot of these queries is really just an exercise in common sense, but that isn’t the strongest quality in a lot of us. Use your judgment, keep your wits about you and watch out for these questions.

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