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Monday, July 2, 2007

Top 10: Ways To Make Her Want You

What would your life be like if you knew -- beyond a shadow of a doubt -- how to make ANY woman feel a deep, gut level attraction for you? Pretty awesome, no? But most guys are completely clueless in this area. They think the answer lies in “pickup lines” and pheromones. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you want to learn how to turn a woman on, you need to learn what it takes to spark ATTRACTION. Here are 10 tips to get you started on the path of women, women and more women.

Number 10

Become the high-status man

There are many logical reasons why women are attracted to high-status men, but the fact is that it’s TRUE and it’s not going to CHANGE anytime soon. If a woman perceives you as holding a higher status than her, you instantly qualify for the I’ll-consider-it group in her mind. If a woman perceives you as holding a LOWER status than her, she will instantly and unconsciously put you in the not-a-chance mental category. And if you communicate your status in just the right way, you can trigger a powerful and instantaneous attraction inside of a woman that will be impossible for her to ignore. She’ll FEEL IT. Luckily, this is something ANY guy can do.

Number 9

Communicate high status properly

The great news is that you can communicate high status even if you’re not good-looking, rich or famous. The first thing you need to do is STOP communicating LOWER status. Men typically communicate lower status by justifying, defending or explaining themselves. By seeking approval and by allowing things to affect them emotionally these men are portraying themselves a weak and in the lower status department. Stop doing these things immediately. Resist the temptation to explain yourself, be the center of your own universe and keep your cool. If you do, you’ll make HUGE headway in becoming the high-status guy women can’t get enough of.

Number 8

Never communicate low status

The ultimate mistake you can make when it comes to status -- and the one guys make over and over again -- is trying to trade your status for her APPROVAL. I call this becoming a WUSSY just to get a woman to like you. This one single thing you may do and it will almost GUARANTEE that she will NEVER feel a gut-level attraction for you. It’s so obvious and so pervasive that it’s almost invisible. This is the ultimate mistake men make with women. Whatever you do, never communicate lower status to try to get a woman to like you. It never, ever works.

Number 7

Let her chase you

When most guys meet an attractive woman, they think about things completely BACKWARD. They usually decide quickly that she is what they want, so they pursue which causes her to run away, which leads them wanting her more. BAD NEWS. Instead, try flipping this whole scenario on its head. The next time you meet a woman you’re hot for, instead of deciding SHE is what YOU want, take the perspective that YOU are the kind of guy SHE wants. Then when she starts to pursue you, run away. It’ll make her want you that much more. When you realize the steps that women use to attract us guys, you can use these same steps to attract THEM. Nice.

Number 6

Stop devaluing yourself

Humans have a hardwired system for assigning value in our heads. If something is easy to get, we don’t think it has much value, but when it’s hard to get we naturally assume it must be VERY valuable. If you want to DROP your value to zero instantly in a woman’s eyes, all you have to do is make yourself easy to get a hold of -- be readily available and obviously very interested. On the other hand, if you want to INCREASE your value in a big way, you need to do the opposite. Make yourself busy so you’re difficult to get a hold of, and when you do talk to a woman, make sure you get off the phone and go do something interesting and make sure you tell her about the activity right before you say, “Gotta go, bye!” Make sure you have all kinds of other options going on in your life so you CAN’T become too available.

Number 5

Tell her she’d make an interesting friend

If a woman uses the phrase, “He’s just a friend,” what she typically means is that the guy is interested in her but doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of having a romantic relationship with her. So turn the tables. If you are talking to a woman and you can tell she’s starting to feel for you, say to her: “You know, I think you’re going to make an interesting friend.” Women RARELY -- IF EVER -- hear this from a man. It will set you up as a challenge in her mind and cause her to be MORE LIKELY to want to be with you in a romantic way.

Number 4

Become friends with attractive women

If you’re going out to meet women, is it better to be rolling with two horny guy friends or is it better to be rolling with two attractive female friends who love you? Exactly. Making friends, ACTUAL FRIENDS, with several attractive women is one of the best strategies for consistently meeting women without having to deal with any kind of anxiety over approaching women. When I say make friends with these women, I mean ACTUALLY make friends. It’s fine to flirt, tease and have fun with them, but they are going to be your friends so it’s best to keep your grubby mitts off of them. Keep these friendships intact and they’ll introduce you to TONS of available women. They’ll literally BRING THEM TO YOU.

Number 3

Show her that you’d make a great sexual partner

Animals have certain traits (like the male peacock’s giant tail feathers) that signal to females who will make a healthy mate. These signals are difficult to fake (you either have the feathers or you don’t), so females rely on them heavily when deciding who to mate with. Female humans also look for these “honest signals,” and lucky for us they can be learned (unlike the feathers). Focus on developing these honest signals like dominant posture, slow gestures and movement, strong eye contact, indifference, and cocky comedy. When you master these signals, women will have NO CHOICE but to take notice of you.

Number 2

Learn to tell if a woman is single quickly

Ever wonder if an attractive woman is single? If you develop the ability to be good at “reading” whether a woman is single or not, you’ll be able to behave with her right from the start in a confident, knowing way. And you’ll also stop taking it personally and getting hung up on women who seem cold to you because you’ll know WHY they seem occupied. To figure out if a woman is available or not start teasing her, if she continues to spar with you as you bust her balls, it’s usually a big signal that she’s available and open to you. Practice guessing if a woman is single or not until you can tell quickly and accurately. When you do, it will blow her mind that you knew her relationship status without her saying a word about it. She’ll see you as an insightful, intuitive guy -- precisely the kind of guy she’s attracted to.

Number 1

Create abundant choices for yourself

When you make a decision there’s a big difference between deciding whether or not to take the ONE option available, and trying to choose between an ABUNDANCE of options. Most guys have the mindset, “It’s either her, or nothing.” Most women have the mindset, “I can have any guy I want, so which one do I like best?” Take a moment and think about the subtle differences in your thinking, communicating and acting when you have MANY choices and you need to conserve your time, as opposed to having just one choice and having to figure out how to get it. Learn to think and behave as if you have all the choices in the world, then work on making that a REALITY by continually educating yourself on how to succeed with women and dating.


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